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Sobota 2.11.2019

Saturday 2.11.2019

Saturday 2.11.2019

Saturday 2.11.2019

9.30 [201] Překladový systém TYGERIS (Lukáš Banič a Martin Komora, vývojáři LINGEA)

9.30 [201] TYGERIS translation system (Lukáš Banič and Martin Komora, Lingea developers)

9.30 [201] TYGERIS translation system (Lukáš Banif and Martin Komora, LININGEA)

9.30 [201] TYGERIS translation system (Lukáš Banič and Martin Komora, LINGEA developers)

Přijďte se podívat co umí moderní překladový systém Tygeris.

Come and see what the modern Tygeris translation system can do.

Come and see what is known as a modern Tyggeris translation system.

Come see what the modern Tygeris translation system can do.

Toto unikátní řešení „all-in-one“ si budete moci sami vyzkoušet nejen zde, ale i v klidu domova díky speciálnímu přístupovému kódu, který obdržíte na této prezentaci.

This unique solutionall-in-onecan be tried not only here, but also in peace of home thanks to the special access code you will receive at this presentation.

This unique solutionall-in-onewill allow you to experience yourself not only here, but also at home, thanks to the special access code that you will receive for this presentation.

This unique solution "all-in-one" you will be able to test themselves not only here, but also at home thanks to a special access code, which you receive on this presentation.

Tygeris kombinuje výhody CAT nástroje s překladači, slovníky, korekturními nástroji a dalšími užitečnými doplňky Lingea.

Tygeris combines the benefits of CAT tools with translators, dictionaries, correlation tools and other useful Lingea accessories.

Tygeris combines the advantages of CAT with a tool with a translator, dictionaries, fair instruments and other useful supplements to Lingea.

Tygeris combines the advantages of CAT tools with translators, dictionaries, proofreading tools and other useful Lingea accessories.

Hlavní vývojáři Lukáš Banič a Martin Komora vám názorně předvedou, jak můžete pohodlněji a rychleji překládat v praxi.

Major developers Lukáš Banič and Martin Komora will show you how you can translate more comfortably and more quickly in practice.

The main developers, Lukáš Banif and Martin Komora, illustrate how you can translate more comfortably and quickly into practice.

The main developers Lukáš Banič and Martin Komora will show you how you can translate more conveniently and faster in practice.

A vlastně mnohem více.

A vlastně mnohem více.

And indeed much more.

And a lot more, actually.

10.00 [254] (PhDr. et Bc. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D., ÚTRL FF UK) – z cyklu „Budoucnost překladatelské profese“.

10.00 [254] (PhDr. Et bc. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D., ÚTRL FF UK) – from theFuture of the Translation Professioncycle.

10.00 [254] (PhDr. et Bc. Tomáš Svoboda, ÚTRL FF UK) — out of theThe future of the translation professioncycle.

10.00 [254] ( BC. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph. D., ÚTRL FF UK) – from the cycle "the future of the translation profession".

10.30 [201] Kam směřuje automatizace překladatelské činnosti?

10.30 [201] Where is the automation of translation?

10.30 [201] Where is the automation of the translation work expected?

10.30 [201] where does the automation of translation activity go?

(PhDr. et Bc. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D., ÚTRL FF UK) – z cyklu „Budoucnost překladatelské profese“.

(PhDr. Et Bc. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph.D., ÚTRL FF UK) – from theFuture of the Translation Professioncycle.

(PhDr. et Bc. Tomáš Svoboda, ÚTRL FF UK) — out of theThe future of the translation professioncycle.

(Phdr. et BC. Tomáš Svoboda, Ph. D., ÚTRL FF UK) - from the cycle "the future of the translation profession".

Srovnání pracovních postupů při (post)editaci výstupu ze strojového překladače na jedné straně a běžného překladu na straně druhé.

A comparison of the working procedures for (post) editing the output of the machine translator on the one hand and the normal translation on the other.

Comparison of working methods in (post) editing of output from machine engines on the one hand and standard translation on the other.

Comparison of working practices in the (post)edit the output of machine translators on the one hand, and the current translation on the other.

(Polo)automatizace posteditačních operací.

(Polo) automation of post-editing operations.

(Polo) Automation of post-editing operations.

(Polo)automation of post-treatment operations.

Jaké činnosti převzala či ještě převezme umělá inteligence v překladatelském procesu?

What activities will artificial intelligence in the translation process take over or take over?

What activities have been taken or will be taken over by artificial intelligence in the translation process?

What activities will artificial intelligence take over or take over in the translation process?

Jaká jsou specifika a jaké nástrahy nového jazyka, uištiny (AI-ish)?

What are the specifics and dangers of the new language, AI-ish?

What are the specificities and pitfalls of the new language, Iish (AI-ish)?

What are the specifics and what pitfalls of the new language, uistina (AI-ish)?

Nové pojetí překladu a nové pojetí role překladatele.

A new concept of translation and a new concept of the role of translator.

The new concept of translation and the new concept of translator’s role.

A new concept of translation and a new concept of the role of the translator.

Diskuse – např. sazby za posteditaci.

Discussione.g. postediting rates.

Discussion, e.g. post editing tariffs.

Discussions - e.g. posteditation rates.

16.10 [16] Co se aktuálně umí a neumí ve strojovém překládání a tlumočení

16.10 [16] What is currently done and cannot be done in machine translation and interpretation

16.10 [16] Co currently able and unable to do so in the process of translation and interpretation

16.10 [16] What can and cannot do in machine translation and interpretation

(doc. RNDr. Ondřej Bojar, Ph.D., Ústav formální a aplikované lingvistiky MFF UK).

(doc. RNDr. Ondřej Bojar, Ph.D., Institute of formal and applied linguistics of the MFF UK).

(doc. ORDER. Ondrej Bojar, Ph.D., Institute of Formal and Applied MFF, MFF UK).

(Doc. RNDR. Ondřej Boyar, Ph. D., Institute of formal and Applied Linguistics MFF UK).

V přednášce představím současný stav techniky v oblasti strojového překládu a strojového překladu mluvené řeči (lidově "strojové tlumočení").

In the lecture I will present the present state of the art in the field of machine translation and machine translation of spoken speech (" machine interpretation ").

In the lecture, I will present the state of art in machine translation and speech translation. (the People’smachine interpreting”).

In the lecture I will present the current state of the art in the field of machine translation and machine translation of spoken speech (Folk "Machine interpreting").

Konference o strojovém překladu v současné době probírají, zda již byla nebo nebyla dosažena kvalita lidského překladu, tzv. "human parity".

The machine translation conferences are currently discussing whether or not the quality of human translation, called " Human Parity ".

The Conference on automatic translation currently discusses whether or not the quality of the human translation has already been achieved, thehuman parity”.

The conference on machine translation is currently discussing whether or not the quality of human translation, called "human parity", has already been achieved.

Se "strojovým tlumočením" tak daleko nejsme a náznaky se objevují zatím jen v marketingových sděleních některých velkých firem.

With " machine interpretation " we are not that far away, and hints appear so far only in the marketing communications of some big companies.

So far we are not so far undermachine interpreting” and the indications are only given in the marketing communications of some big companies.

We are not that far off with" machine interpreting, " and hints are only appearing in the marketing communications of some big companies.

Jak je to doopravdy?

How is it really?

Get your facts straight!

How is it really?

Obstojí podobné úvahy tváří v tvář tlumočníkům a překladatelům?

Will similar considerations stand in the face of interpreters and translators?

There are similar reflections in the face of interpreters and translators?

Will similar considerations stand up in the face of interpreters and translators?

Věřím, že můj pohled na věc bude realistický, ale velmi se těším na diskusi, abychom si svá očekávání vzájemně vysvětlili.


I believe that my perspective will be realistic, but I am very much looking forward to discussing our expectations.

I believe that my view of the matter will be realistic, but I am very much looking forward to the discussion to explain our expectations to each other.

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