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Full text of "Janos The Story Of A Doctor

Face lifting, 501
Faithfulness, 538
Falkenhayn, 103
“Falstaff”, 297, 350
Faraday, 408, 435
Faraglioni, 387, 389
Farkas, Blanche von, 59
Farrere, Claude, poet, 189
Fasting, 68, 490
“Father, The”, 344
Fatigue as a measure of constitution, 71
“Faust”, 287
“Favourite Wife of the Maharajah”,
Favre, 520
Fecundity, 529
Feder, economist, 165DE: Gottfried Feder (27.1.1883-24.9.1941)
Fehling, Professor, 51 1, 525
Fehme, 122
“Feldscher”, 23
Ferenczy, director, 265
Fermenting, 478
Festspiele, 297, 298
Fever, 503
“Fidelio”, 297, 355
Field punishment, 35
“Figaro”, 355
Finkelstein, Professor, 85
Fischer, Emil, Professor, 135, 488
Fischer, Samuel, publisher, 265, 266
“Five Geese”, 392
Flatulence, 492
“Florian Geyer”, 273, 303, 307
Fluegge, Professor, 499
Foch, Marshal, 109
Food, 466, 467, 468
Foodstuffs, 468
“Footlights Man”, 262
Ford, Edsel, 314
Foreign Office, 426
Forel, Professor, 448
Fouquet, Restaurant, 318
“Four-footed animals”, 533
Fox, 314
Fraenkel, Albert, 84
France, 107
Franciscus, St, Hospital, 97, 174
Frank, Boriska, 57
Frankfurter 163, 166, 352
Franz Joseph, Kaiser, 60
“Free Stage”, 270
“Freie Buehne”, 269, 302
Freie Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung, 47
French Academy, 519
Frerichs, 62, 65
Fresh air, 498
Freud, 18, 266, 267, 454, 513, 515, 517, 523, 526CS: Sigismund Šlomo Freud (6.5.1856-23.9.1939)
Frick, 1 18
Friedenskirche in Ludwigshafen, 380
Friedlaender (family), 125, 140
Friedlaender, Max, Professor, 125
Friedmann, 131, 266
Friedrichstrasse, 112
Frintz, Monsignore, Dr, 94, 174
Fuerstenberg, Carl, banker, 102, 114, 120
“Fuhrmann Henschel”, 305, 307
Full blood, 539
Furbinger, Professor, 84
Furtwaengler, Wilhelm, conductor, 307, 349, 352
Fusel, 550
Galen, Count Bishop, 418
Galileo, 37
Gall stones, 65
Gallenus, 424
Galli-Curci, singer, 328
Gallipoli, 108
Gallmeyer, actress, 263
Gambctta, 12 1
Gamoff, physicist, 237
Gans, Adolf, industrialist, litAdolf-Gans (8.3.1842-6.3.1912)
Gans, Fritz von, industrialist, 111DE: Friedrich Ludwig (Fritz) Gans (15.11.1833-15.7.1920)
Gans, Leo, industrialist, 111DE: Leo Ludwig Gans-Landau (4.8.1843-14.9.1935)
Gans, Melanie, (1884–1954), manželka Jánoše
Garbo, Greta, film actress, 316CS: Greta Lovisa Garbo (18.9.1905-15.4.1990)
Garlic Sanatorium, 329
Gas-analysis apparatus, 499
Gastein, 232
Gaul, August, sculptor, 386, 391, 392, 393
Gauss, yon, ambassador, 163, 210
Genersich, Professor, anatomist 33
Gengou, Professor, bacteriologist, 91, 92
George V, King, 436
George VI, King, 436, 437
George, Stefan, poet, 132
Gerard, ambassador, 192
Gerhardt, G., Professor, 44, 46, 87, 94
German Reichstag, 561
German Republic, 559
Gersuny, Professor, 501
“Gesellschaft der Aerzte”, 513
„Ghosts”, 272, 540
Gibbon, 331
Gigli, Benj amino, singer, 330
Gigolo, 523
Gilbert, Parker, 192
Gills, rudimentary, 456
Gioconda, 385
Giotto, 345
“ Giovinezza ”, 195
Gland, intermediate, 527
Gland, para-thyroid, 517
Glands, digestive, 552
Glands, sebaceous, 497
Glazounov, composer, 244
Gluck, Themistocles, Professor, 97
Glycogens, 479
“God Save the King”, 450
Goebbels, minister, ii8, 119, 165, 166, 167, 225
Goeben, Major, 537
Goemboes, Julius, Prime Minister, 198, 199, 200
Goerbersdorf, 48
Goergei, Arthur, General, 60
Gocring, Marshal, 396CS: Hermann Wilhelm Göring (12.1.1893-15.10.1946)
Goethe, 191, 267, 303, 304, 382, 4, 520, 534, 539 CS: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28.8.1749-22.3.1832)
Goethe Prize, 514
“Golden Age”, 254
Goldmark, Carl, composer, 13
Goldoni, playwright, 124
Goldscheider, Professor, 85
Goldschmidt, 129
Goldschmidt, Jakob, banker, 393DE: Jakob Goldschmidt (31.12.1882-23.9.1955)
Goldwyn, producer, 314Samuel Goldwyn, geboren als Szmul Gelbfisz, 1894–1918 Samuel Goldfish) (17.8.1879-31.1.1974)
Golf, 4^4
Gorki, Maxim, playwright, 124, i., 277, 285
Gospel of St John, 375
“Gott erhalte”, 1 7
Goulasch, 25
Gout, 475, 494
Goya, painter, 382
Gracian, Pater, 458
Graefe, Professor, oculist, 33, 85
Grammar School, Aylesbury, 400
Grandi, ambassador, 196
Graphology, 522
Gravitz, Professor, 84, 517
Greco, painter, 124
Grew, ambassador, 192
Griesinger, Professor, neurology, 374,
Grimm brothers, 327
Grock, clown, 292
Groener, General, 158
Grosses Schauspielhaus, 280, 283
Gruenberg, Josef, 148, 21 1, 235, 372, 379. 380, 386
Gruenfeld, Alfred, pianist, 325
Guardian Angel, 556
Guards, 426
Guel Baba, Mohamedan Saint, 13
Guilbert, Yvette, diseuse, 275
Gumpoldskirchner, wine 513
Guttmann, banker, 195Friedrich Bernhard Eugen "Fritz" Gutmann (15.11.1886-13.4.1944)
Gwinner, Arthur, banker, 154
Gymnastics, 482, 486
Haber, Fritz, Professor, physico chemist, 129, 148, 150, 153, 202, 220, 221, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232 CS: Fritz Haber (9.12.1868-29.1.1934)
Habsburg, House of, 198
Habsburg Monarchy, 17, 263
Habsburg tyranny, 16
Haemodynamics, 69
Haendel, composer, 128, 442
Haenisch, minister, 130, 132
Hagen brothers, 309
Hahn, Kurt, educational expert, 129, 399
Hahnemann, homeopath, 509, 510
Haldane, physiologist, 76, 415
Half-breed, 539
Haller, theatre director, 266
Halmay, actor, 287
Hamburger Fremdenblatt, 163
Hamilton, Lady, 12
“Hamlet”, 264, 520
Hamm, Johann, biologist, 530
Hamsun, Knut, playwright, 289
Handicraftsman, 485
“Hand Oracle”, 458
Hand-writing, 521
“Hanneles Himmelfahrt”, 303, 307
Hannover, 106
Hard palm, 456
“Harley Street Doctor”, 429
Hamack, Excellency, President of the
Kaiser Wilhelm Association, 1 29, 1 74, 222
Harris, Frank, 534
Hartleben, Otto Erich, poet, 38, 265, 386 DE: Otto Erich Hartleben (3.6.1864-11.2.1905)
Hartmann, Edward von, physiologist, 513
Harrow School, 399
Harvey, physiologist, 415
Hatzfeld, Prince, 186
Haughton, ambassador, 192
Hauptmann, Benvenuto, 306
Hauptmaim, Carl, 302
Hauptmann, Gerhart, 123, 159, 261, 265, 272, 273, 277, 278, 291, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307
Haus Hainerberg, 126
Hausmann, Alois, architect, 27
Havanas, 551
Haydn, composer, 17, 353, 427, 442
Hayek, Professor, 42
Hayem, haemotologist, 43
Hayes Court School, 399
Heart, 481
“Heart Disease writing”, 521
Hebra, Professor, dermatologist, 33
Hedin, Sven, explorer, 302
Hegelian maxim, 355
Heidenhain, Professor, physiologist, 517
Heimann, Moritz, lector, 265, 266
Heims, Elsa, actress, 278, 288, 296
Heine, 539
Helmholtz, Professor, physiologist, 138
Helphand, editor, 143, 144
Helsingfors, 237
Herba mattie, 496
Hereditary factors, 531
Hermine, Princess of Reuss, 185
Heroic methods, 491
Heroic specifics of medicine, 68
Heroism, 103, 476
Herz, 140
Heterosexual disinclination, 542
Heubner, Professor, pediatrist, 84
“Heurigen”, 26
Heyermanns, playwright, 124, 277
Heymann, Professor, laryngologist, 78, 82
Hiddensee, 304, 305
“High blood pressure”, 505
Hildebrand, Professor, surgeon, 84
Hilferding, Dr, Reichsfinanzminister, 155
Hindenburg, Fieldmarshal von, Reichs-
president, iii, 117, 306, 395, 396
Hippocratic collection, 418
Hirschberg, Professor, oculist, 85
Hitler, Adolf, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 162, 163, 167, 191, 195, 196, 197, 200, 224, 225, 226, 230, 300; 302, 304, 305, 335» 386, 395 , 396, 541, 547CS: Adolf Hitler (20.4.1889-30.4.1945)
Hoechster Farbwerken, 50DE: Farbwerke Hoechst AG (1863-1999)
Hoeflich, Lucie, actress, 266, 267
Hoegyes, Professor, serologist, 33
Hoerlein, 94
Hoffmann, General, 131, 144
Hoffmansthal, von, playwright, 123, 357
Hofmeister, Professor, physico-chemist, 69 » 73DE: Franz Hofmeister (30.8.1850-26.7.1922)
Hohenfels, Stella, actress, 263
Hohenheim, Theophrastus Bombastus
Paracelsus de, 494
Hohenzollern, 123, 175
Holbein, painter, 128
Hollaender, Felix, critic and producer, 265, 286
Hollywood, 311
Holmes, Sherlock, 236
Holt, Harold, impressario, 443
Home Office, 403
Homo sapiens, 545
Homo solitarins, 526
Homoeopathy, 1 16, 507, 509, 510
Homoeopathy in Budapest, 51 1
Homosexual inclination, 542
Homosexuality, 542, 543, 547
Homosexuality, hereditary, 544, 546
Homosexuals, 537
Hopkins, Professor, bio-chemist, 415
Horizon, 280
Hormones, 464
Horthy, Nicolaus, Regent, Admiral, 198
Hospidale Civile, 37
Hotel Dieu, 48
House of Commons, 509
Hubay, Eugen, violinist, 329, 330
Hubermann, Bronislav, violinist, 333, 346. 347. 348
Hugenberg, minister, 164
Hugo, Victor, poet, 261, 355
Humperdinck, composer, 273
Hungarian National Anthem, 327
Hungarian revolt, 60
Hungary, 167
Hunger, 468
Hunter, surgeon-anatomist, 415
“Huntingdale”, 300
Hunyady, János, 30
Hutt, Lolo, 378
Hydropress, 372
Hydrostatic pressure, 504
Hydrotherapy, 496
Hypersensitive reactions, 547
Hypertrophy, 482
Hypervitamin ailments, 464
Hypervitaminosis, 131
Hypochondriac, 491, 492
Hypospasiasis, 456

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