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      Pre-translate with OmegaT?
 01  Pre-translate with OmegaT?

Mathias S. 
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Mar 27

Pre-translate with OmegaT ?
Thread poster: Mathias S.


through my question in CAT Tools Technical Help I came to OmegaT. I was able to successfully install it, import my document and add my termbase (as glossary). Also the replacement of terms from my glossary works fine when I edit a segment, the glossary terms are automatically added to the text to be translated.

What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pretranslate the entire document with the glossary terms. So is it possible to get OmegaT to automatically run through the entire document (across all segments) only translating the glossary terms?

I also came across DGT-OmegaT where an Search and Pre-translate dialog is presented. But I can't see if this would help for my approach and besides I'm not able to download the binaries (it runs into timeout "The website is not available").

thanks in advance

There are old scripts for it they are still working.

Mar 29
Mathias S. wrote:

What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pretranslate the entire document with the glossary terms. 
So is it possible to get OmegaT to automatically run through the entire document (across all segments) only translating the glossary terms?

1. You need to have these scripts, and
2. You need to put your glossary into subfolder .ini a and name it as is mentioned above.



PS: A short presentation will be ready in April.

 * #Purpose:	Pretranslate certain untranslated segments
 * #Files:	Requires 'pretranslate.ini' .ini subfolder of the current project's root
 * #Format:	Plain text, where *each* line is:
 *		[Search Pattern] [Tab] [Replace Pattern];
 *		only the last line *must* be empty.
 * #Note:	Only those segment where a [Search Pattern] is found,
 *		are pretranslated and prefixed with {PRETRAN}
 * #Details:
 * @author	Kos Ivantsov
 * @author    	Yu Tang
 * @based on Didier Briel's "search and replace script"
 * @date	2013-12-28
 * @version	0.2

Batch search and replace  
 * #Purpose:	Batch search and replace in the whole project
 * #Files:	Requires 'search_replace.ini' in .ini subfolder of the current project's root
 * #File format:	Plain text, where *each* line is:
 *	[Search Pattern] [Tab] [Replace Pattern];
 *	only the last line *must* be empty.
 * #Details:	http: //
 * @author  Kos Ivantsov
 * @based on Didier Briel's "search and replace script"
 * @date    2013-07-22
 * @version 0.1

Extracted English words was translated by Deepl.  

One TXT glosary was saved as two files, they have a same size and content:

  • Scripts (in right pane)  

    I ran both scripts   on the same text. You can see Scripting pane and pretranslated text in Editor of OmegaT and Scripting menu.




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