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 04  Source - Initial Target - Target (CS pretranslated)

1 httstrs://
2 pre-translate with OmegaT ? pre-translate with OmegaT ? strrE-tr15nsl15tE wnah OmEg15T ?
3 Thread poster: Mathias S. Thread poster: Mathias S. ThrE15d strostEr: M15thi15s S.
4 Mathias S. Mathias S. M15thi15s S.
5 Germany Germany GErm15ny
6 Local time: 12:15 Local time: 12:15 Loc15l timE: 12:15
7 New user New user NEw usEr
8 German German GErm15n
9 27-Mar 27-Mar M15r 27
10 Hello, Hello, HEllo,
11 through my question in CAT Tools Technical Help I came to OmegaT. through my question in CAT Tools Technical Help I came to OmegaT. přes můj quEstina v KOČKA Nástroje TEchnic15l HElstr Já c15mE na OmEg15T.
12 I was able to successfully install it, import my document and add my termbase (as glossary). I was able to successfully install it, import my document and add my termbase (as glossary). Já w15s 15blE na succEssstrlnýy vst15ll na, imstrnebot můj dokumEnt 15nd 15dd můj tErmb15sE (15s gloss15ry).
13 Also the replacement of terms from my glossary works fine when I edit a segment, the glossary terms are automatically added to the text to be translated. Also the replacement of terms from my glossary works fine when I edit a segment, the glossary terms are automatically added to the text to be translated. Taky thE rEstrl15cEmEnt z tErms z můj gloss15ry wneboks fvE whEn Já Edna 15 sEgmEnt, thE gloss15ry tErms 15rE 15unam15tic15lly 15ddEd na thE tExt na být tr15nsl15tEd.
14 What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pretranslate the entire document with the glossary terms. What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pretranslate the entire document with the glossary terms. Wh15t Já h15vEn't yEt býtEn 15blE na figurE ven je whEthEr 15nd jak na je strossiblE na strrEtr15nsl15tE thE EntirE dokumEnt wnah thE gloss15ry tErms.
15 So is it possible to get OmegaT to automatically run through the entire document (across all segments) only translating the glossary terms? So is it possible to get OmegaT to automatically run through the entire document (across all segments) only translating the glossary terms? Tak je na strossiblE na gEt OmEg15T na 15unam15tic15lly běh přes thE EntirE dokumEnt (15cross 15ll sEgmEnts) naly tr15nsl15tvg thE gloss15ry tErms?
16 I also came across DGT-OmegaT where an Search and Pre-translate dialog is presented. I also came across DGT-OmegaT where an Search and Pre-translate dialog is presented. Já 15ltak c15mE 15cross DGT-OmEg15T whErE 15n SE15rch 15nd PrE-tr15nsl15tE di15log je strrEsEntEd.
17 But I can't see if this would help for my approach and besides I'm not able to download the binaries (it runs into timeout "The website is not available"). But I can't see if this would help for my approach and besides I'm not able to download the binaries (it runs into timeout "The website is not available"). AlE Já c15n't sEE #NÁZEV? thje bych hElstr strro můj 15strstrro15ch 15nd býtsidEs Já'm Net 15blE na downlo15d thE bv15riEs (na běhs vna timEven "ThE wEbsnaE je Net 15v15il15blE").
18 thanks in advance thanks in advance th15nks v 15dv15ncE
19 Mathias Mathias M15thi15s
20 Susan Welsh Susan Welsh Sus15n WElsh
21 United States United States UnnaEd St15tEs
22 Local time: 07:16 Local time: 07:16 Loc15l timE: 07:16
23 Member (2008) Member (2008) MEmbýtr (2008)
24 Russian to English Russian to English Russi15n na Angličtva
25 Ask on the Yahoo list Mar 28 Ask on the Yahoo list Mar 28 Dotázv sE na thE Y15hoo ljet M15r 28
26 I don't know, but if nobody replies here, please ask on the Yahoo list, where most of the developers are to be found: I don't know, but if nobody replies here, please ask on the Yahoo list, where most of the developers are to be found: Já dna't znát, alE #NÁZEV? Nebody rEstrliEs hErE, strlE15sE 15sk na thE Y15hoo ljet, whErE většina z thE vývojáři 15rE na být nalezeNe:
27 httstrs://
28 Samuel Murray Samuel Murray S15muEl Murr15y
29 Netherlands Netherlands NEthErl15nds
30 Local time: 12:16 Local time: 12:16 Loc15l timE: 12:16
31 Member (2006) Member (2006) MEmbýtr (2006)
32 English to Afrikaans English to Afrikaans Angličtva na Afrik1515ns
33 Not yet available Not yet available Net yEt 15v15il15blE
34 28-Mar 28-Mar M15r 28
35 Mathias S. wrote: Mathias S. wrote: M15thi15s S. wrotE:
36 What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pre-translate the entire document with the glossary terms. What I haven't yet been able to figure out is whether and how it is possible to pre-translate the entire document with the glossary terms. Wh15t Já h15vEn't yEt býtEn 15blE na figurE ven je whEthEr 15nd jak na je strossiblE na strrE-tr15nsl15tE thE EntirE dokumEnt wnah thE gloss15ry tErms.
38 There is no such feature, yet. It may be something that a groovy scripter can script. There is no such feature, yet. It may be something that a groovy scripter can script. ThErE je Ne takový fE15turE, yEt. Ját m15y být takmEthvg th15t 15 báječný scristrtEr c15n scristrt.
39 Either way, you could suggest is as a feature: Either way, you could suggest is as a feature: EnahEr w15y, vy mohl suggEst je 15s 15 fE15turE:
40 httstrs://takurcEstrrogE.nEt/str/omEg15t/fE15turE-rEquEsts/
41 (there doesn't seem to be such a feature request yet) (there doesn't seem to be such a feature request yet) (thErE dělán't sEEm na být takový 15 fE15turE rEquEst yEt)
42 tcordonniery tcordonniery tcnebodnaniEry
43 France France Fr15ncE
45 Pre-translate in DGT-OmegaT Pre-translate in DGT-OmegaT PrE-tr15nsl15tE v DGT-OmEg15T
48 But I can't see if this would help for my approach But I can't see if this would help for my approach AlE Já c15n't sEE #NÁZEV? thje bych hElstr strro můj 15strstrro15ch
49 Actually no, this screen does not yet integrate auto-translation of glossaries. Actually no, this screen does not yet integrate auto-translation of glossaries. Actu15lly Ne, thje scrEEn dělá Net yEt vtEgr15tE 15una-tr15nsl15tina z gloss15riEs.
50 I can think about it for the future. I can think about it for the future. Já c15n thvk 15bven na strro thE futurE.
51 The role of this screen is normally to translate small segments whose translation is trivial: for example those who contain only a phone number. The role of this screen is normally to translate small segments whose translation is trivial: for example those who contain only a phone number. ThE rolE z thje scrEEn je Nerm15lly na tr15nsl15tE sm15ll sEgmEnts kdosE tr15nsl15tina je trivi15l: strro Ex15mstrlE thosE kdo cnat15v naly 15 strhnaE numbýtr.
52 and besides I'm not able to download the binaries (it runs into timeout "The website is not available"). and besides I'm not able to download the binaries (it runs into timeout "The website is not available"). 15nd býtsidEs Já'm Net 15blE na downlo15d thE bv15riEs (na běhs vna timEven "ThE wEbsnaE je Net 15v15il15blE").
53 No idea about what happened, probably a problem of memory at server side. I tried today and it worked correctly. No idea about what happened, probably a problem of memory at server side. I tried today and it worked correctly. Ne idE15 15bven wh15t h15strstrEnEd, strrob15bly 15 strroblEm z mEmneboy 15t sErvEr sidE. Já triEd nad15y 15nd na wnebokEd sstrrávně.
54 Samuel Murray wrote: Samuel Murray wrote: S15muEl Murr15y wrotE:
59 In any case, note that contrarily to lot of other CAT tools, OmegaT does not have a draft status: a segment is either empty or translated. In any case, note that contrarily to lot of other CAT tools, OmegaT does not have a draft status: a segment is either empty or translated. Ján 15ny c15sE, NetE th15t cnatr15rily na hodně z othEr KOČKA naols, OmEg15T dělá Net h15vE 15 dr15ft st15tus: 15 sEgmEnt je EnahEr Emstrty nebo tr15nsl15tEd.
60 I suppose that it is a good reason why the core team did not want to have a feature which auto-fills all segments in one step directly in the core (i.e. preferably in a script). I suppose that it is a good reason why the core team did not want to have a feature which auto-fills all segments in one step directly in the core (i.e. preferably in a script). Já sustrstrosE th15t na je 15 dobrý rE15sna proč thE jádro tE15m dělal Net w15nt na h15vE 15 fE15turE který 15una-vystrlňuje 15ll sEgmEnts v naE stEstr strřímo v thE jádro (i.E. strrEfEr15bly v 15 scristrt).
61 If such a feature is added, don't forget that once you use it, all your segments will have the same status, so you won't have any way to distinguish between those you have reviewed and/or fully translated, and those which were automatically filled. If such a feature is added, don't forget that once you use it, all your segments will have the same status, so you won't have any way to distinguish between those you have reviewed and/or fully translated, and those which were automatically filled. Jáf takový 15 fE15turE je 15ddEd, dna't strrogEt th15t nacE vy usE na, 15ll vyr sEgmEnts vůle h15vE thE s15mE st15tus, tak vy wna't h15vE 15ny w15y na rozlišovat býttwEEn thosE vy h15vE rEviEwEd 15nd/nebo strlnýy tr15nsl15tEd, 15nd thosE který wErE 15unam15tic15lly fillEd.
62 When my clients asked about the pre-translate screen, I alerted about this point but some of them don't hesitate to use regular expression "." to translate the full document. When my clients asked about the pre-translate screen, I alerted about this point but some of them don't hesitate to use regular expression "." to translate the full document. WhEn můj kliEntů 15skEd 15bven thE strrE-tr15nsl15tE scrEEn, Já 15lErtEd 15bven thje strovt alE takmE z thEm dna't hEsna15tE na usE rEgul15r ExstrrEssina "." na tr15nsl15tE thE strlný dokumEnt.
63 Technically it does not make any problem, functionally that is another story... Technically it does not make any problem, functionally that is another story... TEchnic15lly na dělá Net m15kE 15ny strroblEm, functina15lly th15t je 15NethEr stneboy...

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