Windows XP + MS Word 2003
 10  Místní VLTM Subtitles EN-CS

Místní VLTM

zobrazila pouze věty s dvojjazyčnými výrazy, ale jak malými, tak i velkými písmeny
  Barevně jsem rozlišil překlady, které by bylo možno považovat za správné a za nesprávné.

Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Hash browns?



Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Hash browns, well done.

Koblížek a kafe.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Denver omelette and hash browns.

Denverskou omeletu a bramborák.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Yeah, I want hash browns.

Já si dám bramborák.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

"I'il have hash browns."

"Dám si koláček."


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Some Hash Browns, With Hot Sauce.

Pár karbanátků s teplou omáčkou


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Thinking hash browns are small potatoes.

Říct, že jsou krokety malé brambory.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

You don't like hash browns?

Nechutná ti sekaná ?


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

I was thinking hash browns today.

Dnes jsem přemýšlela o kroketách.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Because hash browns are small potatoes.

Krokety přece jsou malé brambory.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Where tommy smothers never made hash browns!

Kde si Tommy Smother nikdy nebalil jointa!


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Where tommy smothers never made hash browns!

Tohle není oficiální slogan nebo tak něco...


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Where tommy smothers never made hash browns!

Běžte do auta


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

-Can you give me some hash browns?

Můžu dostat bramboráčky?


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Are you gonna finish those hash browns ?

Budeš jíst ty krokety?


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

-Can you give me some hash browns?

MĂąžu dostat bramboráĂžky?


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Oh, I see hash browns are included.

Aha, vidím, že je to včetně hranolek.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

-Can you give me some hash browns?

-Můžeš mi dát něco k jídlu?


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TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Give hereggs Benedict, hash browns... ...and cheesecake.

Dejte jívejce Benedikt, hranolky a tvarohový koláč.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

How about a Sausage McMuffin with hash browns?

A co párek McMuffin s opékanými brambory?


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

- Oh, hash browns and applesauce--that's nice.

Pečené koláčky s trávou a jablkový pyré.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Good thing you didn't have hash browns.

Myslím, kdyby pili ten kečup.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

With hash browns and a large orange juice.

Dám si French toast s bramborákem a velký pomerančový džus.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

How about a Sausage McMuffin with hash browns?

Máš to mít.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

I'd like the Denver omelet and hash browns.

Denverskou omeletu a bramborák.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

I mean because I wanted some of her hash browns...

Vždyť jsem chtěl jenom trochu kroket...


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

I'il get the hash browns and the coffee on, sugar.

Přinesu opékané brambory a postavím na kafe, zlato.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

We don't need any hash browns cutting our million dollar smile.

Nepotřebujeme aby nám nějaký zbytky narušili úsměv za milión.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

I looked away for a second,and Creed snatched your hash browns.

Na chvilku jsem se koukl jinama Creed ti šlohl tvoje sušenky.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

I'il have a Spanish omelet, hash browns, more coffee and orange juice.

Dám si omeletu, bramborovou placku, ještě trochu kávy a pomerančový džus.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

- It's a Mexican sausage... mixed in with scrambled eggs, and it comes with hash browns and toast.

K tomu je bramborák a toast.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Okay, two eggs over-easy, hash browns cooked well, whole-wheat toast buttered, and with a side of marmalade.

Ok, 2 volské oka se slaninkou, výborné opečené brambory, celozrnné toasty s máslem a s marmeládou.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

He's been killing me on my search and seizures, so I thought maybe some hash browns would soften him up.

Je na mě naštvaný kvůli mým žádostem o osobní prohlídky, tak mě napadlo, že opečené brambory ho obměkčí.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

I want toast instead of hash browns and hot syrup on the pancakes and please do not skimp on the butter and a side order of bacon, extra extra extra crispy.

Biftek s vejcem, biftek s vejcem středně propečený, chci toust místo zhnědlé hašé a horký sirup na lívanečky a prosím nešetřete máslem a slaninu objednávám, extra extra extra křupavou.


Found in the local VLTM


TU (local) Created on 19 Jun 10 at 81:4: by Unknown 

Three fried eggs, three slices of bacon, three sausages, three beans, three hash browns, chips, tomatoes, mushrooms, black pudding, cup of tea, fried slice, and a Terry's Chocolate Orange for afters?

Takže, tři volská oka, tři plátky slaniny, tři párky, tři fazole, tři bramboráky, hranolky, rajčata, houby, jelito, hrnek čaje, čtyři čokoládové dorty jako moučník?

Copyright Ing. Milan Čondák 06.01.2012